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Anita Bastiaans (Volt) quits aldermanhip and goes to work at COA

Maastricht, November 14, 2023. Municipal executive Anita Bastiaans (Volt) has decided to accept a new challenge as a member of the Board of Directors at the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers(COA) as of January 1, 2024.

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Jules Ortjens

During her tenure, Anita Bastiaans has worked for a social and European city. Her commitment and dedication have ensured that there is now a solid foundation for a sustainable social domain, but also the foundation for a more inclusive Maastricht that is more strongly connected to the rest of Europe. We are proud that we, from the Volt-Council group, have been able to support that.

The Volt-Council group regrets the departure of Municipal executive Bastiaans. We at Volt believe it is important for directors to complete their terms of office. Nevertheless, we respect her choice and wish her well in her new social function at COA.

The Volt-Council group already has a new candidateMunicipal executive in mind. At the moment, final interviews are still taking place. If the outcome is positive, this person will be presented to municipal executives and the Council. We are convinced that we have put forward an exceptionally suitable candidateMunicipal executive . With this candidate, Maastricht will have a Municipal executive who will passionately represent the interests of our city and its inhabitants.

On behalf of the Council group Volt Maastricht,

Jules Ortjens

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